Al Hero Receives Digiteo Chaire d’Excellence

Al Hero has been selected to receive a Digiteo chaired research faculty position in France. This Chair, called a Chaire d’Excellence, is a 4 year appointment in the area of Information Science & the new Digiteo Research Park. His research will be on the topic, “Distributed Active Networks: Sensing and Estimation,” applied to both gene regulation networks and ad hoc communications networks.
Located near Paris, Digiteo has over 1200 researchers and 900 PhD students investigating software intensive systems. The research park combines the forces of several top ranked French laboratories at the University of Paris, Ecole Polytechnique, Ecole Superieure d’Electricite, and INRIA, CNRS, and CEA, among others.
The Digiteo Chair covers Hero’s salary for 3 months out of the year, a full time GSRA, and a postdoc, in addition to travel funds, and lab equipment. He will be based at the Ecole Superieure d’Electricite beginning the summer of 2008.