Three ECE students earn SPIE Optics and Photonics Scholarships
Three doctoral students working with Prof. Zetian Mi have earned a 2023 Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship from SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics.
Their fundamental research is applicable to AR/VR and next-generation display technology, green-energy production, and future optoelectronic devices.

Yakshita Malhotra
Yakshita Malhotra’s research involves engineering high performance visible light emitting diodes (LEDs) at micron and submicron scales using III nitride materials. These LEDs will be critical building blocks for the development of full color microLED displays with augmented and virtual reality applications. [read more about Malhotra’s research]

Ishtiaque Ahmed Navid
Ishtiaque Ahmed Navid’s research interests encompass the epitaxy and functionalization of nanomaterials for artificial photosynthesis and optoelectronics device applications. His work will eventually provide a scalable and stable platform for low-cost, green-energy production, and will also help realize ultra-small next-generation display technology. [read more about Navid’s research]

Yixin Xiao
Yixin Xiao has been working with plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy to synthesize III-nitride nanostructures for solar-to-chemical renewable energy generation as well as for various optoelectronic devices. [read more about Xiao’s research]